Venice video Art Fair 07


Galerie Quang

In collaboration with San Servolo Services, the 8th and 9th June 2007 presents the second edition of V|07 Venice Videoart Fair: 25 international galleries will present in Venice, at the same time with the Inauguration of the 52nd Venice Biennale of International Art, the best of videoart and video artists on the international scene.

new vidéos :Marie Pascal Lièvre 2007 and Rain Alice Kok & Pascal Lièvre 2007

« Marie » de Pascal Lièvre et « One Step Forward Two Steps Back di Muzzolini » de Bruno Muzzolini ont reçu le premier prix de la Venice Video Art Fair 2007 dont le curator est Raffaele Gavarro. Le jury étai composé de Mario Gorni, directeur du C/ Care de Milan, et des collectionneurs Giorgio Fasol et Armando Porcari.

« Marie » by Pascal Lièvre and « One Step Forward Two Steps Back di Muzzolini » by Bruno Muzzolini received the first price of Venice Video Art Fair 2007. The curator of this fair was Raffaele Gavarro. Mario Gorni director of C/ Care de Milan and the collectors Giorgio Fasol and Armando Porcari composed the jury.